By Monica Rasmusen

From hotter temperatures to more intense storms, climate change, when left unchecked, could wreak havoc on the environment of Earth. The consequences of human activities like land clearing or fossil fuel burning have already been occurring in parts of the world. Climate change can be observed in places like California that experience extreme heat waves due to increasing temperatures. Increased flooding and rising sea levels have made some states like Louisiana more vulnerable to land loss. Countries such as the Philippines have had a significant hit to their agriculture sectors due to climate change which both raises food prices and affects individual livelihoods negatively.

There are a few very important reasons to take action against climate change in addition to the previously mentioned heat waves and flooding. The impacts of climate change can have a hazardous effect on physical and mental health, as people experience trauma and anxiety from the extreme weather phenomenon taking a toll on local ecosystems. The financial toll of dealing with the consequences of intense storms will also effect local economies as homes and businesses get destroyed. Additionally there is the inherent beauty of natural environments that could be lost without conservation and preservation efforts. Most importantly it is not too late to mitigate the impact of the effects and adapt to current and future environmental changes. There are still ways to ensure the planet is as habitable as possible for future generations. Individuals can take public transportation or switch to an electric vehicle. Buying from local businesses and forgoing red meat for a meal once in a while also help on an individual scale. Investing in renewable energy sources like wind or solar power can lessen dependence on fossil fuels. Combatting climate change is something that can be done at all levels of society.


Solar Power

Of the methods that can be used to prevent the worsening of climate change, one is investing in renewable energy sources. These are sources of energy that do not have a finite supply. One of the more well known forms of renewable energy, solar power, is energy from the sun. A benefit of solar energy in particular is that it does not consume as much water as fossil fuels and also causes less water pollution than fossil fuels. By investing more into solar power as an alternative source of energy, the need to depend on fossil fuels decreases. Due to advancements in solar power manufacturing and technology, solar power is now more accessible than ever.

There are large and small scale options for companies and individuals to make use of the benefits of solar power. This is often done by installing solar panels. Factors that can affect how much solar radiation reaches a spot include local weather, time of the day, and geographic location. For a grander scale panel system, large power plants have the option to use concentrating solar-thermal power which uses mirrors instead of solar panels to store solar energy for later use by reflecting sunlight onto a receiver.

Solar panel technology has advanced to the point panels can produce some amount of energy even in places that are normally cloudy. The panels themselves have also shrunken in size. Although this produces less electricity, it is still useful for portable devices such as cell phones. Because the cost of solar panels has decreased so much, not only is it a more affordable option, the ease of accessibility allows for more places to able to use solar panels. This can lessen dependance on fossil fuels, and therefore lessens fossil fuels’ impact on the climate.

One of if not the most significant contributor to the solar panel industry is China. Thanks to heavy investments and mandates to encourage renewable power, the solar power system in China rivals that of the US. China has many more panel manufacturing facilities than any other country and supplies over half of the solar panels in the world. A benefit of this heavy investment for the rest of the world are cheaper solar panels, as technological advancements in Chinese factories helped to reduce production costs.

Where China has invested heavily in solar power, the US has some improvement to do in this area. While having a decent start, many formerly promising solar power plants have been shuttered since 2008. Other parts of the industry moved jobs to China and other Asian countries. China in particular, simply invested fully in the industry. While there are jobs related to solar power in the US, very few of them are in the actual manufacture of solar panels. Future opportunities for the US to contribute to the solar panel industry lie in furthering innovations in solar panel tech to generate a healthy domestic industry. However this would require very significant investments at all levels by the US.

In order to take steps towards mitigating the effects of climate change, it is imperative that consistent efforts are made toward bolstering renewable energy industries. Advancements in technology has increased the scope of solar power from large power plants, to cell phone chargers. Where China has made significant contributions to solar power, the US still has room to improve. With innovations in solar power technology, it can become a more important resource in combatting climate change.


Sustainable Agriculture

To prevent the effects of climate change from worsening, creating a sustainable and efficient food system can help feed an ever increasing population while doing minimal damage to the environment. 


Food production uses a lot of energy. This has effects on different parts of the environment like soil quality. Changes in farming technique and consumer habits are necessary to creating a more stable agricultural food system. 


Farming Techniques


As climate change causes more extreme weather events like tropical storms or droughts, the supply of water is affected. Agriculture uses a tremendous amount of water. It is used in everything from livestock to watering crops to irrigation. In addition the agriculture industry has to compete for water resources with population growth and urbanization.


To optimize efficient water usage in agriculture, there are a few options.


Cover crops can be utilized in some regions to improve the water holding capacity of soil. These are plants that are intended to cover soil instead of being harvested.


In areas that practice irrigation, some farmers can monitor factors like weather and plant moisture to craft a schedule to irrigate at opportune times.


In a region prone to drought like California with a large agriculture industry, there are options like “dry farming” that try to make the most out of more scarce water resources. Dry farming practices can include selectively choosing crops that are more drought tolerant or weed control to conserve soil moisture.


As climate change causes warmer temperatures that can dry soil out, these water saving techniques will be vitally important to conserving water sources.



What at first glance might appear to be simple dirt, soil is a very rich ecosystem in its own right. It is where plants root to obtain water and nutrients, while the soil receives nutrients and organic material back from the plant after it gets decomposed by microorganisms that live in soil. Soil also acts as a carbon sink that captures carbon dioxide from the air.


Healthy soil is vital to a sustainable food system.


Healthy soil has a positive impact on the climate. The fewer the disturbances the better as these disrupt the structure of soil and can disturb the soil microorganisms.


A major threat to soil quality is tillage. This is the process of preparing soil for farming by agitating the soil through digging and stirring. It can be small scale like a farmer using a shovel, or larger scale with land rollers.


No-till farming is an alternative to tillage that can potentially decrease soil erosion. It can involve leaving crop residue on the soil. This cover combined with undisturbed soil can preserve soil moisture which lessens the risk of water pollution due to runoff. 


One of the farming techniques that can be used to enhance soil quality without using herbicide is organic farming.


Organic Farming

“Organic” is a term many are familiar with. Organically made produce is produce that has been made using certain sustainable farming techniques.


Pollinators and Pest Management

A healthy environment requires healthy pollinators. Pollinators can range from bees, butterflies, bats, birds, and more.


Almost all crop plants require pollinators to thrive. 


Because crops depend on them, it is vital to have agricultural practices that do not do damage to pollinator populations, such as certain forms of pesticides. Certain chemical pesticides can runoff into water systems like rivers or ponds. This can sicken animals like fish that live in these waters and kill them. Pesticides can even contaminate drinking water.


Organic farming discourages harmful synthetic pesticides in favor of more environmentally friendly alternatives.


Crop Rotation and Companion Planting

When it comes to healthy soils, biodiversity matters. In crop rotation, the goal is to mixup the placements of your crops, to avoid having the crops in the same area each year. This can act as a pesticide because pathogens and pests are not able to attack the same crop each year if the crop is different.


Another way to deter pests is by introducing a “companion plant” that might draw natural predators of the pests of the primary crop which can help avoid pesticide use. 


Planting different crops also benefits the soil in that different crops take up different nutrients, so changing the crop in a spot can replenish nutrients.


Consumer Choices

Food Selection

When purchasing more environmentally sustainable food, prioritize:

  • Locally grown – Not only does this support the local agriculture community, but it lessens the amount of distance food has to be shipped to get the grocery store.
  • Organic Not all food that is organically grown is necessarily sustainable. However, in combination with the food being locally grown and in season, organic produce is an effective purchase to support sustainability in agriculture. 
  • In Season – When picking fruit or vegetable at the grocery store, it is important to consider what is in season. In season and locally grown foods can also be less expensive due to less shipping time. The decrease in shipping time also means less time for nutrients to break down in foods, making them more nutritious. This can also be a way to introduce food variety into the daily diet.

Plant-Based Eating

Livestock can consume a lot of energy, much more than other kinds of agricultural produce. Red Meat in particular consists of livestock that use up a lot resources, such as drinking water or land space. Livestock like cows need a lot of land space and as the population that eats red meat grows, so does the amount of land needed for cows. This can lead to deforestation which releases carbon dioxide in the trees and directly worsens climate change.


A change as simple as forgoing red meat for one day of the week, or eschewing red meat in favor of poultry, fish, or vegetarian/vegan options can go a long way towards reducing the energy put towards red meat production.


Urban Agriculture

Instead of waiting for food to be shipped from far out areas, food can also be grown in urban areas. In addition, native local plants can be grown to aid in the conservation of pollinators who have evolved to depend on these plants for various reasons. 


From personal home gardens to community gardening, there are plenty of options for people that live in urban cities. As more and more people move from rural areas to urban ones, these urban gardens and farms can help connect people with their local food systems.


Why do these changes matter?


Food is an important part of everyday life. Humans cannot survive without food. However current and future food demands will put a strain on the environment if there is no adaptation to the changes caused by climate change and damage done by current practices. 


Through changes in farming techniques and consumer habits, people can be fed without compromising the environment. 


One of the impacts of climate change is the worsening of weather phenomenon. While this can take the form of more severe storms and floods, climate change can also lead to harsher droughts.


In regions that are already dry, the more harsh droughts will be especially devastating as these droughts could be hotter and longer than normal. A “mega drought”, that is, a drought that lasts longer than about two decades, may already be occurring in the western North American region. 


Warmer temperatures caused by climate change contribute to these droughts as the temperature increase also increases water evaporation. And these droughts can have negative effects on different aspects of the environment such as soil quality and health.


Agriculture and Droughts

Water is integral to agriculture. It can be used for many things from irrigation to water for livestock.


A massive amount of water is required for agricultural processes and water scarcity exacerbated by drought can affect the productivity of livestock and crops.


Droughts can harm the soil organisms that recycle nutrients into the soil for plants to uptake. The organisms help to promote soil structure that allows the soil to retain water that plants need to grow. When temperatures dry soil out, some of the organisms, which rely on moist soil to move freely, are forced to move deeper or to other wetter pockets and may eat each other due to competition for space. With fewer organisms present and able to function properly, nutrient content of plants suffers. These organisms are vitally important to a healthy and sustainable agricultural system.


Because water is important for plant growth, a lack of it will produce fewer, smaller, and more nutrient deficient crops. Less plant growth can lead to less available forage that livestock like cows rely on. Drought also hurts grain yield which can make feeding livestock more expensive which can result in declining cow numbers. 


As the agriculture industry output is negatively affected by drought, the average consumer will be affected as prices increase to offset the loss of productivity.



The hot and dry conditions caused by drought are a hotbed for wildfires. As droughts dry out the environment, this can also increase the amount of flammable materials that add fuel to wildfires. Another affect of climate change for some regions will be decreased rainfall which would normally aid in fire management efforts.


Certain areas of the world like California are already experiencing worsening wildfires. In 2021, fires like the Dixie Fire in California and the Bootleg fire in Oregon are wreaking havoc on the northwestern region of the U.S. The Dixie fire has even affected air quality in neighbor state Nevada. These fires were both caused by lightning which is the one fire-inducing factor not directly affected by climate change, the “spark”. Because of drought-induced dryness and global warming-induced heat, these sparks have a much greater chance to start devastating fires. Wildfires cause trees to release carbon into the atmosphere which also worsens climate change and therefore worsens droughts which dries out forests and creates a warming cycle that only breeds more fires.


After the fire has ceased, the effects of it and any current drought on the land can still be felt. New vegetation is necessary and will be much more difficult to grow if the soil has been too dried out by the increased temperatures and lack of water. The lack of new vegetation can leave the land vulnerable to erosion and runoff that can pollute the water supply with soil, ash, and even firefighting chemicals.


In some cases the plant growth is hindered by lack of available moisture so the plant cannot do certain processes like photosynthesis. Without as much photosynthesis, parts of the plant can become damaged and root growth is reduced. Without sufficient healthy roots, the plant cannot absorb water as effectively. This affects overall plant growth and can persist long after a drought has ended.


Some forests have evolved to depend on some amount of fire.


For these forests, “prescribed fire” can be be a beneficial land management practice.

Specialists are able to “prescribe” ideal burning plans that can maximize the efficacy of the prescribed burn while minimizing negative impacts of fire on the environment and local communities.



The effects of increased heat and droughts can negatively impact human health.


Extreme heat itself can cause harmful conditions to the human body, such as heat stroke. During heat waves, heat stroke among other heat stress related conditions can significantly increase the death rate in affected cities. Animals including livestock are vulnerable to heat related illness as well. Existing healthy conditions that might affect the heart, lung, and kidneys can be worsened by higher temperatures.


Wildfires can cause air pollution which is hazardous for humans. Dried out soil from droughts increases the chances of dust storms. A “Dust Bowl 2.0” scenario could also occur. Exposure to the air pollution from wildfires and dust storms can increase the risk of respiratory illnesses.


As drinking water sources like streams or wells dry up from drought, water supplies are negatively affected. In addition to lowering the amount of possible drinking water, the increase in temperatures can cause algae growth that can hurt the quality of drinking water. People with compromised immune systems will be especially vulnerable to the contaminants in the water supply.


What can be Done About Heat and Drought?


In addition to efforts to combat climate temperature increase, such as reducing greenhouse gas emissions, water conservation will be important to handling the effects of droughts. This can be done in small scale ways, like fixing leaks, investing in low flow toilets, and practicing hygiene habits that promote water conservation. These can be beneficial practices even in communities that may not yet be as impacted by drought as western North America.


To support soil and soil organism healthy, more drought and erosion tolerant plants can be bred and utilized in drought-prone areas. Increasing the organic content of soil via composting can allow it to hold water better and therefore support soil organisms. Some areas can support mycorrhizal fungi which are organisms that are less sensitive to moisture level changes and may give plants better survival odds during a time of drought.


Awareness of heat related illnesses and symptoms can help to prevent the occurrence of the illnesses, saving costs. Trees provide shade that cools impervious surfaces like roads or walkways. 


Proper hydration and air conditioning also help stave off illness. Because of this, support for public cooling centers, swimming pools, and drinking fountains is important to providing resources to help local communities cool down during heat waves. Proper water management can also ensure that when extreme heat waves occur, communities will not be upended by a lack of available clean water.


Going Forward


Over time, the temperature increases in certain regions are expected to bring about longer and harsher droughts. Fortunately, there are solutions to dealing with heat and droughts and mitigating negative effects. Utilizing these solutions can help to ensure that local communities and ecosystems are prepared and can survive and thrive during present and future changes in the climate.

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