You Can  Be A Woman Soccer Player

Book and DVD


A Clean Sea: The Rachel Carson Story Rachel Carson, a marine biologist, was the world's first "environmentalist." In her book, The Silent Spring, she first warned the people of this planet that the pesticides were doing irreparable damage to the eco-system. Today, everyone has heard of "the environment" and pollution and toxic waste. Our youngest generation needs to know how they can participate in saving their present and future home.

This book celebrates the unique ocean and the importance of conserving ocean life, keeping ocean waters clean and wholesome and protecting ocean life from growing extinct.
Judith Love Cohen, editor.

The DVD, cartoon Sea, echoes "the importance of keeping oceans free from pollution" while it is a "bright, colorful look at all kinds of sea life."
Naples Daily News - Marco Island Film Festival.


Cartoon Sea DVD and Video

Clean sea Application

For orders please e-mail or go to order (and order form) page
paperback with DVD 1-880599-62-7 $9.50
paperback 1-880599-16-3 $6.00
hard cover 1-880599-61-9 $14.00


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