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Welcome to our "Parent Resource" page.

Dear Parent,

I am often asked what is the best way to encourage your daughter in the sciences. There is no one way, but here are some suggestions:

1. Take her to a museum or aquarium or even a zoo. Call the education department of any museum. They often have outreach programs, internships and are willing to give specific advice.

2. Become involved in science yourself. Read a science book, watch a video tape or science TV program relating to the subject. Children often imitate adult behavior. You can create a positive role model.

3. Hands-on Activities. Have your child do some simple science experiments. Remember for success, use a model that goes from very simple to complex.

4. Use instructional material that your child can relate to. Every day life examples are most helpful. For example, in my book "You Can Be A Woman Engineer," I talk about cooking and sewing experiences and how that translates and relates to being an engineer (process/conceptualization).

5. Have your child do some research and observe a subject. Note, the child can observe and write down what she has seen. The process is important. Any subject the child is interested in will do!

6. Use role models. Read about a practicing scientist (what their life is about), what inspired them to become a scientist. Which lead us to our own career series "You Can Be..." See books and information on the home page.

I hope these suggestions are helpful. Feel free to e-mail me at jlc@cascadepass.com with any questions, comments or suggestions.

Good luck.

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For more information about Cascade Pass, E-mail jlc@cascadepass.com