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Guest author - Dr. Rita Redberg, M.D.

1. What made you decide to specialize in the field of Cardiology? ANS. Cardiology was very exciting to me because it is a field in which you can really correlate what you learn with what you do. Also, there are lost of ways we have to help people with heart disease get better and there are always new developments.

2. If my daughter is interested in Medicine, what books can she read to give her a better idea what it would be like? Are there other things she can do or places I can take her? ANS. Contact the American Association for the Advancement of Science and check out their programs for girls. AAAS Education and Human Resources Womens Programs

3. What's your favorite part of your job? ANS. I love to see patients in my office over a period of weeks and months and years and see them start to feel better. It is very rewarding when a patient who had been unable to do things they enjoy, after a combination of medications, diet and exercise, becomes able to do those things.

4. If I want to be a doctor, what should I study in high school and in college? ANS. You can study anything you like in high school and college and still be a doctor. However, you will need to be sure you have included mathematics and science courses. In college you will need biology, inorganic and organic chemistry, as well as physics and algebra.

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Cascade Pass -4223 Glencoe Ave., Suite C-105, Marina Del Rey, CA 90292

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